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Who is St(ephanie)Ann? Why should I work with hem?


Excellent question, imaginary reader!


St(ephanie)Ann - Stann - always begins with the question: How Can We Help You?


Picture yourself in the biggest, most beautiful library you can dream up. The rooms and stacks go on seemingly forever. You are so curious but maybe a little intimidated. There’s so much you want to learn! Where do you start? That’s where Stann comes in. Stann is the Librarian of this cosmic collection! Hez sole purpose is to help you find what *you* need for this part of your journey. 


Not only is Stann a Master Librarian, hey is a Reiki Master Teacher and Spiritual guide. This makes hem an excellent resource for your ever-evolving needs! No matter where you are in your search for answers, Stann can help. A 15-minute free consultation is available to find out more.

Yoga, Reiki & Wellness

Stann employs a multi-faceted approach to wellness. Hey has a life-long relationship with yoga and fitness that has allowed hem to appreciate how a human's body changes in response to the challenges of living authentically in the world. Whether you are new to undertaking a physical fitness practice or a lifetime athlete with shifting needs, Stann recognizes that where you are today is the perfect place for you to start.


Members of the Trans and Queer community can build a connection with the body that explores themes of safety and friendship. If fitness and wellness culture has been unwelcoming to you due to your identity, Stann gets it. Hey teaches Queer and Trans affirming yoga to folks in all stations of transition and comings-out. Hez goals are for people to relate to their bodies as a safe place to inhabit even in times of external stress.


Stann loves to teach Reiki as a discipline and give treatments for those looking to build peace with themselves. No matter who you were in the past, who you are becoming, or who you are in this moment, hey wants you to feel held and valued. Reach out today to find out how Stann can help you achieve your goals.

Transition, Loss, End-of-Life Doula Services

What is a Doula? How Can a Doula Help Me?

Image by Aubree Herrick

Some folks might see the word "doula" and think about a midwife or someone who assists in the childbirth process. This is generally correct. A doula's role in the birthing experience begins in the preparation for the birth, continues through the birthing event, and wraps up post-partum.


An End-of-Life Doula assists in the dying process. EoL Doulas are not new roles in modern society. They have existed for centuries, throughout many cultures across the Earth. The role of this caregiver is to prepare the community for the physical passing of a person, hold vigil during the active dying phase, and help provide closure to those surviving with grief and reprocessing tools. EoL Doulas can provide many resources and helpful information to communities anticipating a loss. This helps demystify the very natural process of death and gives the dying person autonomy over their final moments. In turn, this helps the community process the loss in a meaningful and intimate way. We believe this is good medicine for all involved.


When we refer to Loss Doula work, we mean to treat any major life loss in a similar fashion.  Stann works with folks who are going through loss in their lives, whether that is predicated on an impending death of a physical person or not. We consider the process a universal "Letting Go" and work with clients to develop custom programs. This could be an unanticipated loss or one that can be anticipated. This could be a voluntary or involuntary loss. Examples include: planning to quit a bad habit, job, or relationship. Others can be a lay-off or firing, a sudden loss of a pet. We recognize that Loss is specific and intimate to anyone experiencing it. Our goal is to help clients move through it with kindness towards themselves above all.


Transition Doula Services are tailored specifically for folks in the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Stann will help clients at any stage of their journey learn to make mindful choices, advocate for the care they need, and help navigate parameters for healthy boundaries and self-talk.


Whatever life is throwing you these days, remember that Prism Wellness Works treats the full spectrum of humans and all their emotions! Stann's Doula services are specific to your needs, timeline and resources.


To learn more, Book a Free 15 minute consultation by clicking below! We're eager to learn more about your goals along your journey to your Whole Self!

Stann has completed EoL Doula training with INELDA. Click the logo to visit their homepage for more information

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